
Blog Entry #6 - Spring Break

When I heard "Spring Break" I always used to associate it with beach, travel, sun... in other words, Florida! Although spending the Spring Break in Florida would surely be amazing, it was not a possible reality for me. So, instead of getting tanned under the Sun, I spent my entire break getting whiter at the campus and in little trips to Walmart. But it did not mean I can not have really good moments. 
The most worthwhile moment during the Break was when I met my friends at Lucas' house. We spent almost all night there ranging from playing videogame, beer pong, to dancing a lot. Lucas welcomed us with pão-de-queijo (cheese bread, a Brazilian traditional food, picture on the left side), just when I first bit it I could realize how much I missed it. The girls also made caipirinha (a traditional Brazilian lemon drink), I brought a strawberry mix, and there were also vodka, tequila, fireball, whisky and plenty of beer. I started playing videogame with Eric, Lucas and Vinicius while the others were building the beer pong table. My partner of beer pong was Vinicius and we played against Eric and Paulinho, it was a really strained game, we started winning but they turned the game in the end and we lost it. We also could play the songs that we missed so much and we grew up listening to them and we sang them at the top of our lungs. I really missed this moments with my friends and it was really nostalgic.   

Stéfanny, Ruana, Vinicius, me , Lucas, Eric, Paulinho, Valdery, Mariana and Thaís.

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